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Technical This Sceptred Isle: The Twentieth Century

Posted on 2010-09-02

Name:Technical This Sceptred Isle: The Twentieth Century
Publisher:BBC Audiobooks Ltd (4 Oct 1999)
Language:Language English
File size:1126.4 Mb
Publisher: BBC Audiobooks Ltd (4 Oct 1999)
ISBN: 0563552476
Language: Language English
File Size: 1.1 GB
Other Info: Audio CD in MP3/128Kbps 44.1 KHz
   Technical This Sceptred Isle: The Twentieth Century

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This Sceptred Isle: The Twentieth Century (15 CD Boxed Set) Christopher Lee & narrator - Anna Massy With - Robert Powell

This Sceptred Isle was created as a series of short 12-14 minute radio programmes by the BBC for transmission daily on Radio 4 from 1995 about the history of the lands and peoples of the British Isles. .

The series was very successful and the BBC extended the programme to cover The 20th Century.

This Sceptred Isle, The The 20th Century continues the story, taking us through decades of whirlwind change and technological advancement in the diverse and colourful country that now stands on the brink of the millennium.

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 01 of 90 - 1901 - A New King A New Century

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 02 of 90 - 1902 - South Africa, Balfour And Education

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 03 of 90 - 1903 - Naval Build-Up, Free Trade And Empire

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 04 of 90 - 1904 - Ships, Cars, Conurbations And Churchill Crosses The Floor

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 05 of 90 - 1905 - Rebellion In Russia And Balfour Resigns

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 06 of 90 - 1906 - Cornflakes, Traffic And The Moroccan Question

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 07 of 90 - 1907 - Women's Rights, Religious Discrimination And Military Reform

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 08 of 90 - 1908 - Asquith Pensions And The Balkans

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 09 of 90 - 1909 - The Royal Navy And Trouble Brewing In The House Of Lords

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 10 of 90 - 1910 - King George V

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 11 of 90 - 1911 - Constitutional Confrontation And The Agadir Crisis

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 12 of 90 - 1912 - The Titanic, Home Rule And The Marconi Affair

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 13 of 90 - 1913 - Ireland, Emily Davison And The Tango

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 14 of 90 - 1914 - The UVF And The Outbreak Of War

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 15 of 90 - 1915-18 - The Great War

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 16 of 90 - 1919 - The Origins Of The Second World War

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 17 of 90 - 1920 - Russia And Ireland

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 18 of 90 - 1922-23 - Lloyd George Out, Baldwin In

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 19 of 90 - 1924 - The First Labour PM And The Zinoviev Letter

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 20 of 90 - 1925-26 - Churchill's First Budget And The General Strike

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 21 of 90 - 1927-28 - Enter Hitler, And The Rise Of Motoring

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 22 of 90 - 1929 - Red Buses And The Wall Street Crash

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 23 of 90 - 1930 - European Union And India

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 24 of 90 - 1931 - National Government And Naval Mutiny

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 25 of 90 - 1932 - The King And The Dominions

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 26 of 90 - 1933 - The Chancellor Of Germany

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 27 of 90 - 1934 - The Night Of The Long Knives, And The Long March

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 28 of 90 - 1935 - Macdonald Resigns And Hitler Rearms

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 29 of 90 - 1936 - Edward VIII And Unemployment

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 30 of 90 - 1937 - A Coronation As War Looms

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 31 of 90 - 1938 - Anschluss And The Munich Agreement

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 32 of 90 - 1939 - The Approach Of War

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 33 of 90 - 1940 - Dunkirk, The Battle Of Britain, And The Evacuation

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 34 of 90 - 1941 - Morale, Propaganda, And The USA

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 35 of 90 - 1942 - The Atlantic Charter, India And Women

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 36 of 90 - 1943 - The Turning Of The Tide And The Beveridge Report

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 37 of 90 - 1944 - D-Day, Education, And The Birth Of The UN

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 38 of 90 - 1945 - The End Of The War And A Labour Landslide

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 39 of 90 - 1946 - Shortages, The National Health Bill And The UN Meet

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 40 of 90 - 1947 - A Harsh Winter And Independence For India

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 41 of 90 - 1948 - BR, The NHS And The Berlin Airlift

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 42 of 90 - 1949 - The Republic Of Ireland, The Farthing And NATO

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 43 of 90 - 1950 - War In Korea And The European Debate

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 44 of 90 - 1951 - The Return Of Churchill

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 45 of 90 - 1952 - The Death Of George

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 46 of 90 - 1953 - The New Elizabeth Age

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 47 of 90 - 1954 - The Four-Minute Mile, The H-Bomb And Eden's Frustration

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 48 of 90 - 1955 - The Warsaw Pact And The Departure Of Churchill

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 49 of 90 - 1956 - The Suez Crisis

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 50 of 90 - 1957 - Harold Macmillan Becomes PM And A Dog Goes Into Space

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 51 of 90 - 1958 - CND, Cyprus And The End Of National Service

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 52 of 90 - 1959 - Cuba

, Cyprus, And The Russians Reach The Moon

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 53 of 90 - 1960 - The Wind Of Change

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 54 of 90 - 1961 - The Bay Of Pigs And The Building Of The Berlin Wall

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 55 of 90 - 1962 - TW3, The Death Of Marilyn Monroe And The Cuban Missile Crisis

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 56 of 90 - 1963 - Beeching, Profumo And Martin Luther King's Dream

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 57 of 90 - 1964 - Ian Smith, Harold Wilson And Vietnam

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 58 of 90 - 1965 - The Death Of Churchill, Rolling Thunder And UDI

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 59 of 90 - 1966 - Another Labour Victory

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 60 of 90 - 1967 - The Six-Day War And Devaluation

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 61 of 90 - 1968 - Revolution In Paris And Spring In Prague

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 62 of 90 - 1969 - The Troubles, Biafra, And In Place Of Strife

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 63 of 90 - 1970 - Edward Heath Becomes PM

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 64 of 90 - 1971 - Decimalisation And Ulster In Flames

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 65 of 90 - 1972 - Britain Joins Europe, Bloody Sunday, And Black September

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 66 of 90 - 1973 - Rivers Of Blood, Europe, And The Yom Kippur War

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 67 of 90 - 1974 - Who Governs Britain

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 68 of 90 - 1975 - The Birth Of Thatcherism And A Referendum On Europe

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 69 of 90 - 1976 - Wilson Resigns

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 70 of 90 - 1977 - Jubilee And Charter

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 71 of 90 - 1978 - Camp David Devolution And A Polish Pope

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 72 of 90 - 1979 - Prime Minister Thatcher And The IRA

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 73 of 90 - 1980 - Afghanistan And Michael Foot

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 74 of 90 - 1981 - The SDP And IRA Hunger Strikes

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 75 of 90 - 1982 - The Falklands War

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 76 of 90 - 1983 - The Falklands Factor Election, And Star Wars

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 77 of 90 - 1984 - The Miners' Strike And The Brighton Bomb

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 78 of 90 - 1985 - Gorbachev And The Anglo-Irish Agreement

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 79 of 90 - 1986 - Chernobyl And The Westland Affair

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 80 of 90 - 1987 - The Great Debate, Black Monday, And The Great Storm

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 81 of 90 - 1988 - Another Thatcher Victory And Cabinet Divisions

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 82 of 90 - 1989 - The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, And Tiananmen Square

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 83 of 90 - 1990 - The Poll Tax, The ERM, And Exit Margaret Thatcher

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 84 of 90 - 1991 - John Major And War With Iraq

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 85 of 90 - 1992 - Oldies, Speculators, And Labour Falls Again

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 86 of 90 - 1993-94 - The Death Of John Smith Maastricht And The Balkans

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 87 of 90 - 1995-96 - Major Resigns And Labour Reforms

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 88 of 90 - 1997 - The Death Of Diana And The Election Of New Labour

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 89 of 90 - 1998-99 - Devolution, Kosovo, And The Lords

This Sceptred Isle - The 20th Century - 90 of 90 - 2000 - 2000 Years Of Kinship

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