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Toothache Remedies

Posted on 2010-04-15

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   Toothache Remedies

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Ingredients = Cucumber

Instructions = cut a good enough piece to fit on the tooth that is hurting or any pain on the body and it will take the pain away. P.S. REMEMBER TO MAKE SURE THAT IT IS REFRIGERATED IT'S A BETTER SOOTHING FEELING

(The get to the dentist as soon as you can)

Country of Remedy = United States

Candy Likins

5-Aug-06 at 12:06 PM:

NAME: Carol Hatchett

EMAIL: [email protected]


INGREDIENTS: dried peppermint, salt water, (oats)

INSTRUCTIONS: Place a little wad of dried peppermint leaves around the tooth or abcess, spit out after a few minutes.

If you repeat this several times during the day, it should bring the abcess to the surface, lance it with a pin and treat it again. Rinse with warm salt water. Oats will work to draw out an abcess,but peppermint relieves pain as well.

17-Jul-06 at 08:01 AM:

NAME: Josh C.



INSTRUCTIONS: this is going to sound insane but this actually worked.just chew on a piece of bolognia for about 30 seconds and then swallow it or spit it out.it only gives you temporarily relief.but it does work.and i do not know why...there must be some ingredient within it.i used standard oscar meyer bolognia.

16-Jul-06 at 03:07 PM:

NAME: Deidre & Dominic

EMAIL: [email protected]



Dent's Tootheache Gum



INSTRUCTIONS: This is the best remedy to use if you have a large hole or cavity. After doing quite a bit of research on this problem (My husband and I

both have a tooth that is broken with large cavities)The main reason that the tooth hurts (especially if you're getting those zapping flaring pains) is because of the bacteriaeating through the pulp of your tooth and getting at the nerve...as well as causing an infection!! The best way to kill the problem is to first kill all the bacteria. This is accomplished very well by using clove oil, or Eugenol...you find this tiny little bottlein the toothache first-aid looking kit (the bottle has a red cross on it)at your local drugstore, it also comes with a tiny box of small cotton pellets. This stuff is very powerful and you should use a very small amount (I almost threw up once by using too much!) While the Eugenol(clove oil) is working on killingthe bacteria, pack the cavity with some old fashioned Dent's toothache gum..it is found in the same section of the drugstore and is sold in a bluish, old fashioned looking box. Old fashioned products work very well when it comes to toothaches! You get a small piece of red gummy stuff wrappedin foil. bite off a piece that you can chew a bit and pact into the hole or cavity. After a while, the painwill subside. Keeping the hole or cavity sealedfrom the air as well as new bacteria will be the only way to keep the pain from returning, so you need to close the cavity up for good! Dentemp filling material can be purchased as well,although it never works as well as the stuf from the dentist, so don't be surprised if the temp filling you put in crumbles after a day or two! Try making the smallestfilling possible that will stick and stay put. I have experimeneted quite a bit with this stuff and I've found that the trick is to get it to close the hole but don't use excess material because you will just end up chewing it away or ruining the filling. Sometimes even after the filling falls

completely out I have remained pain free for severalmonths before the routine starts all over again! My husband has finally begun work on his teeth at the dentist office, but I'll have to keep up with remedyuntil he is finished and we have the money to begin work on mine! Honestly, this stuff does work a miracle together, and will kill the bacteria that can lead to abcess if not stopped. Keeping the air, food particles, and other stuff out of the cavity is the key to keeping the pain and infection at bay, but ultimately we have to get to a dentist to fix it for good! Hope this helps others.. all this stuff costs about $20.00 at the store , but lasts quite a while. Good luck:) Deidre @ Dominic

10-Jul-06 at 10:18 PM:

NAME: jon

COUNTRY_OF_REMEDY: united states

INGREDIENTS: hot wet washcloth

INSTRUCTIONS: apply a hot wet washcloth to the ares of pain until pain subsides...repeat as many times as needed...It will amaze you...works for extreme toothache pain

11-Jun-06 at 09:21 PM:

NAME: Fosh



Warm Water

INSTRUCTIONS: as many have said before Table salt and warm water is great, i used it and the pain didnt completely go away but its nothing compared to the horrible pain it was at first. Works pretty well and brushing ur teeth afterwards gets rid of the bad taste.

15-Jun-06 at 09:27 AM:

NAME: Gayle A.

INGREDIENTS: Olive Oil, cotton ball.

INSTRUCTIONS: I have invented my own toothache remedy, whenever I have a toothache I use olive oil. Put a very small amount [probaby just enough to cover the bottom of the cup or just a little bit more] on 10 seconds or until it is slightly warm to the touch) get a spoon and have someone pour it in the ear on the side it is hurting, lay on your opposite side for about 30

seconds so it'll have time to drain down. Your toothache will hopefully be gone. This has worked for me countless times, even with an infected tooth. It also helps prevent ear infection. Hope it works for you!P.S. Please do not try to put it in your ear yourself, you will end up with a very slimy bath.

Good day!

I found your website very informative, and I thank you for providing it.

Here are my tips for easing toothache pain

1) Use a wet tea bag, and place it on the sore tooth. This has helped me 9 times out of 10. Infact, I suppose you could keep a frozen tea bag in the freezer and use it on your tooth.

2) Garlic Cloves placed on the tooth has helped ease the pain.

3) Ginger Root - Shave a pisec of and place on tooth. I hear that it helps with the infection, and it eased my pain, some.

10-Jun-06 at 06:00 PM:

NAME: trish


NAME_OF_REMEDY: toothache

INGREDIENTS: real vanilla extract

INSTRUCTIONS: i suffer from constant toothaches. and whenever they hit, i know what to do! there are two ways to go about this remedy.

1. for toothaches that arent all that bad, put some real vanilla extract on a cotton ball and place on the hurting tooth. it'll numb it!

2. for extremely bad toothaches (cant sleep, eat, drink, etc) swish around some real vanilla extract on the side of your mouth that hurts. it wont taste good, but it will numb it completely. and you wont have trouble sleeping just because of that pesky tooth ache.

04-May-06 at 04:13 AM:

NAME: Lori Graham

EMAIL: [email protected]



INGREDIENTS: Maximum Strength Anesthetic Oral Gel Pain Relief Gel.

This stuff numb me left away. It also last for a while. Longer than most

medicines. Purpose Anesthetic. That's what you want. Also I have more

than one toothache. I have four going on at one time. Two uppers, and

two lowers. Both in the back, on the left side. I could not eat, sleep,

talk. My ear, jaw, and head hurt too. I have been waiting for my

insurance to go thru. Im still waiting. So I just keep applying Maximum

Strength Anesthetic Oral Gel about 4 times aday. But I can not wait for my

insurance. I rather go to the dentist and get this taken care of fasst.

INSTRUCTIONS: The Main Active Ingredient is Benzocaine. It also

contains allantoin, benzalkonium chloride, clove oil, edetate disodium,

peppermint oil, polyethylene glycol. propyl gallate, propylene glycol,

puritied water, sodium saccharin, sorbic acid, zinc chloride.

Date/Time: 2006-03-27 20:59:21 PST

Amanda Alexander

email address = [email protected]

Country of Remedy = United States

Ingredients = Raw Potato

Instructions = If you have any cold potatoes in refrigerator peel the skin off and cut a good enough piece to fit on the tooth that is hurting or any pain on the body and it will take the pain away. P.S. REMEMBER TO MAKE SURE THAT IT IS REFRIGERATED IT'S A BETTER SOOTHING FEELING.

Date: Sunday, January 15, 2006

Time: 9:08 AM EST


email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: US

Ingredients: Accupressure

Instructions: 1. On the sides of both index fingers. Just below the bottom of the finger nail apply even but FIRM pressure gently massaging it until pain goes away...REALLY works. Do as often as neccessary until pain subsides.

Date: Saturday, December 31, 2005

Time: 1:58 PM EST

Barb Lee

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: usa

Ingredients: Table salt

warm water


Instructions: I can't say for sure which one worked but one if not a combination of two worked like a charm!! a lot of salt inwarm water and swished it around my mouth and garggled with Listerine. Took the pain away in under 5 minutes!

Date: Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Time: 7:48 PM EST

Danny Lee

Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: Ice, cold water, mouthwash, running water

Instructions: Ive had some very VERY bad toothaches, and Orajel dosent quite work for me. Ice sometimes does help, put a piece in your mouth and try to hold it on the side that bothers you, and just let it melt. Do it as many times as you need to. Cold water can work the same way. These have helped me many times. When the pain isnt very severe, Ive used mouthwash to help me, and it has helped many times, but sometimes it dosent work either. One thing I have used when the pain was extreme, and extreme times call for extreme measures, is to go to the kitchen sink, turn on the water, grab the hose next to the knobs, and spray the water directly on the place that hurts. Yes, its extreme, but I was willing to do just about anything to help myself escape the pain. Honestly folks, it has helped me. Of course I had to stand there for a long time, but atleast I was able to buy myself some pain free time. As much as I hate to say it, the best thing to do is to get to a dentist when you can. I hate to go, but Im usually glad I went when its over...and pain free. Isnt that the main goal here? Good luck.

Date: Thursday, November 10, 2005

Time: 12:36 AM EST


Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: clove oil, dentemps

Instructions: This is a temporary fix for a tooth with a large cavity. Soak a small piece of cotton in clove oil and use a toothpick to press

it into the cavity. Then apply dentemps, following the package instructions.Also, taking Echinacea, Garlic and Oil of Oregano will help prevent infection.Remember, this is a temporary solution. If you have a tooth that needs a root canal and you don't get it fixed, you can get a serious infection.

Date: Friday, October 7, 2005

Time: 2:45 PM EST

Email address: James Cisney

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: Aspirin

Instructions: I went to this website when I had a toothache a few weeks ago and couldn't get to an oral surgeon because it was a weekend.I tried many of the remedies including lodging an aspirin against the tooth. When I went to see the oral surgeon he said my gum and cheek tissues were inflamed. Then he asked me if I had put aspirin there. He said it was a typical case of "aspirin burn."So I really don't recommend people using aspirin, and some of the other remedies seem like they could also cause tissue inflamation. So I would exercise caution. I'm sorry to say it but I got

the best results taking acetominophen.

Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Time: 9:41 PM EST

Email address: Dawn

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: USA

Name of Remedy: Toothache

Ingredients: water/ice....Listerine

Instructions: My husband and I both are fighting recurring toothaches due to broken molars. He swishes ice cold water around the painful tooth and it absolutely eases the pain. Its only temporary but can be repeated as long as necessary and can be swallowed. ( stay near a potty ) Personally I have accidently stumbled on a preventive routine and have been avoiding a toothache ever since. I wash my mouth with Listerine antiseptic mouthwash....even during a toothache and it really works.

Date: Friday, August 5, 2005

Time: 2:25 AM EST


email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: USA

Name of Remedy: tooth ache

Ingredients: warm salt water.I just poured salt into a glass and filled it with warm water. I didn't messure a thing.

Instructions: My 6 yr old son started crying left before bedtime (They always get sick at bedtime!) with a tooth ache. I tried everything. We started with tylenal, immediately followed by orajel. He proceeded to cry saying that the jel burns?!?!? Of course, the relief only lasted a few minutes at most. We then used mouth wash and brushed his teeth. Still pain. I tried ice packs....too cold....heat...too hot....chewing ice cubes helped briefly...by 3:00am, I almost lost it. So I tried the famous salt water.. He cried and gaged..But after I got him to really try it,he was fast asleep within 5 minutes...pain free.

Date: Friday, July 1, 2005

Time: 3:49 PM EST

Tamika Smith

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: toothache gum

Instructions: go to your local drugist and get "Dent's Toothace Gum". Rinse moth with warm water the cut a piece of gum to fit your tooth and

apply. This works very well when you have a toothache that when air hits the tooth it hurts worse, this gum creates a barrier against cool air adn food particals. Also great for exposed cavities.

Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Time: 8:24 PM EST


email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: ANYTHING COLD !

Instructions: When you have a toothache, by pressing something cold on the outside of your mouth can give you TEMPORARY RELIEF. Especially if you are having problems sleeping. Instead of worrying about Ice that will melt in the middle of the night, just grab anything from your frigde or freezer. A JAR of MUSTARD, a CAN of BEER, a BOTTLE of WATER, a FROZEN BURGER PATTY, a BOTTLE of KETCHUP, YOU NAME IT, YOU GRAB IT! It is quicker than making an ice pack. Keep in mind if you are sleeping with

it. Do not take a food to bed that will spoil a jar of condiments is best. Your body heat will eventually thaw a product but not as quickly as it will thaw ice to water. GOOD LUCK !

Date: Friday, December 10, 2004

Time: 10:05 AM EST

Ice Green

email address: ice [email protected]

Country of Remedy: Ireland

Name of Remedy: Tooth abscess

Ingredients: Water

Common salt

Instructions: Put two level teaspoons of common salt in a cup. Pour on a small amount of boiling water to dissolve the salt. Then fill the cup with enough cold water to make the solution warm. Rinse your mouth slowing and well - use all the water. Do this at least twice a day, the more often the better. If it doesn't work quickly, increase the amount of salt used, it won't do you any harm. I find this works for me, hope it does for you too. Good luck.

Date: Saturday, October 16, 2004

Time: 6:38 PM EST


Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: Ginger Root

Instructions: Buy some Ginger Root at your grocery store. Cut off a piece of it and remove the skin. Put the piece in your mouth left on the painful tooth & bite down on it. The pain will go away immediately!! My husband heard about this remedy & suggested it to a friend who had an abscessed tooth - and she said it worked instantly. My husband tried it himself last week on his horrible toothache, and the pain went away in 1 second!! You may have to replace the Ginger in your mouth periodically with a fresh piece -- but just keep the rest of the root you purchased in a container in your fridge, and you will

always have it when you need it!! :o)

Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Time: 5:43 AM EST


Country of Remedy: USA

Ingredients: oil of oregano

Instructions: I've had a lot of trouble with my teeth and sometimes no money for the dentist. Here are a few natural remedies for toothach:

1. Oil of oregano - apply directly to tooth or gum, tastes bad and burns a little but has natural anti-biotic properties.

2. Colgate Peroxyl mouthrinse - for mouth lesions, contains mostly peroxide.

3. Colloidal silver - this can be found at healthfood stores, also may have anti-biotic properties. Hold a dropperful under your tongue and then swallow twice daily.

4. Cashews/oil of cashew. I've heard that eating cashews can cause an abscess to heal. Hasn't worked for me, but I know people

it has worked for.

Date: Sunday, August 1, 2004

Time: 2:02 AM EST

Email address: T. Hampton

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: USA


1 capful Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash

1 Aspirin tablet

Instructions: This is a temporary remedy that will work until you can get the tooth fixed or pulled:Rinse with the Listerine mouthwash as directed. This will kill most of the offending bacteria. It will sting some but, BE BRAVE.Next, break the aspirin in half. Moisten 1/2 with a drop of water and place it on(or in) the tooth then gently bite down to crush it down.Place the other 1/2 of the aspirin between the gums and cheek, at the base of the tooth. It will dissolve slowly, and because it is dissolving slowly, it will dull the pain for 30 min to 4hrs.Also, try not to eat at least for 1 hour after placing the aspirin, eating makes you swallow some of the aspirin instead of it going directly to the pain.If you absolutely must eat, stay away from sugary foods and chewing on the painful side, as this agitates the tooth.CAUTION: PLEASE USE BABY ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN and DO NOT REPEAT THIS

PROCEDURE MORE FREQUENTLY NOR MORE TIMES THAN THE RECOMMENDED DOSAGE.It tastes a little gross but it's a small sacrifice for a such GOOD pain relief. Hopes this works for all, it did for me 'cause I had a rotten one that killed!

Date: Sunday, June 20, 2004

Time: 10:29 PM EST

Email address: joanne wines

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: usa

Ingredients: clove oil

Instructions: the stuff that dentist use to numb your mouth before giving you a shot of novicane has clove oil in it, to kill tooth ache pain temporarily, use clove oil


I have a very bad tooth. It used to be a cavity - now it is just a rotten tooth. Most of the tooth has broken and chipped away. It becomes infected periodically, which is extremely painful. I have found a remedy that works very well over time. The pain is caused by infection. I gargle with Listerine Antiseptic. This kills germs and over time it helps prevent infection. I use it several times a day. It really does work well. I wanted to share this with you because I did not see this information on the website. I hope that this will help someone else also.

Thank you,

Chris McPhail

Date: Monday, February 23, 2004

Time: 8:28 AM EST


email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: Usa

Ingredients: Ice and a towel

Instructions: Well there are two things you can do if you have a very bad tooth ache, one that maybe wakes you up out of your sleep.

1. Is you can get a bag of ice and put it on your face.

2. This one worked for me just last night, Take a dish towel wet it just a little bit and throw it in the microwave for about 30 seconds, and

put it to your face that worked for me and the heat put me to sleep.

Date: Saturday, January 31, 2004

Time: 6:15 AM EST


email address: [email protected]

Instructions: Go to your local drug store and get some Dr.Tichenor's Peppermint Mouthwash.It is behind the counter.Pour it into your mouth and hold it on the tooth for as long as you can.It will burn but the toothache will be gone for a while

Date: Friday, January 30, 2004

Time: 12:40 PM EST

miss markos

email address: [email protected]

Country of Remedy: usa

Ingredients: dr tichenor's antiseptic peppermint mouthwash concentrated formula. found at wallgreens

Instructions: take a dropper fill it with mouthwash dont add water use concentrated add a few drops to to the tooth and let stand a for as l ong as you can take it spit it out do not rinse you may repeat as often as needed it nums the pain better then the tooth gels out there

Date: Friday, January 9, 2004

Time: 11:09 PM EST


Country of Remedy: Old Canidian Remendy (heard)

Ingredients: Iodine

Instructions: I was told by a friend that a drop of iodine on a tooth helps kill the pain and stop absess. So far it works great . Just remember to drop it on let it sit DONT SWALLOW. Then brush after.

Date: Sunday, December 28, 2003

Time: 8:35 PM EST


Country of Remedy: USA

place a baby asprin where tooth is aching and bit down on it repeat 2-3 times

Date: Monday, December 15, 2003

Time: 1:47 PM EST


Ingredients: Cup full of ice

Instructions: Whenever you have really sore teeth (untreated cvavities, root canal necessity, etc), take a piece of ice and chew it on the side of your mouth that is hurting. You could also just hold the ice in your teeth as long as one of them is the sore tooth. The ice numbs the pain, and the coldness helps reduce the sweeling that usually is causing the majority of the pain. A lot of toothaches are caused by infections of some forms. This rememdy will alleviate the pain until your body is capable of fighting off the infection on it's own.

Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Time: 11:53 AM EST


Country of Remedy: usa

Ingredients: salt

Instructions: My mother-in-law told me to use salt directly on the bad tooth(may cause u to jump up and down a couple times)pain is gone instantly.repeat when needed.I have also found that Vanilla Extract will work also,just swish around mouth on bad side.

Date: Friday, October 31, 2003

Time: 12:36 AM EST


Country of Remedy: canada

Ingredients: cold water

Instructions: I don't know that this will work for everyone but this simple solution is working wonders for me! I have had a terrible recurring toothache (I believe I need a root canal) that is spreading to the entire left side of my face. Every time the pain comes I swill very cold water on that side of my mouth for a few seconds and the pain instantly diminishes. It does keep coming back, but I just repeat the process and it goes away. Hope this is helpful.


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