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Audiobooks & Video Training Marjoe (1972)

Posted on 2010-08-03

Name:Audiobooks & Video Training Marjoe (1972)
File size:4126.72 Mb
Language: English
File Size: 4.03 GB
Other Info: DVD5 Untouched; NTSC (29.970 fps); 720x480; 4:3; 88 min
   Audiobooks & Video Training Marjoe (1972)

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Marjoe (1972)

DVD Info: Year: 1972

Country: US

Runtime: ~88 Minutes

Audio 1: English Dolby Digital Stereo (AC3 192 kbps)

Subtitles: None

Video Format: NTSC

File Format: VIDEO_TS

Resolution: 720x480

Aspect Ratio: 4:3

DVD Format: Fullscreen

DVD Source: DVD5

DVD Distributor: Buy It at Lowest Price on Amazon

Program: DVD Decrypter

Average Bit Rate: 4.78 Mb/sec

Size: 4.03 GB

Menus: Untouched

Video: Untouched

DVD-extras: Untouched

DVD-Audio: Untouched

& 8220;Wikipedia wrote:

Marjoe is a 1972 American documentary film produced and directed by Howard Smith and Sarah Kernochan about the life of evangelist Marjoe Gortner.

Marjoe was a precocious child preacher with extraordinary talents, who was immensely popular in the American South. His parents earned large sums of money off him up until the point he outgrew his novelty. Marjoe rejoined the ministry as a young adult solely as a means of earning a living, and not as a believer; he spent the next several years using his fame and status as an evangelist to defraud a small fortune out of individuals both through tent revivals and televangelism.

Eventually, Gortner suffered a crisis of conscience and decided to renounce his ways, offering the documentary film crew unrestricted access to him during his final revival tour, repeatedly admitting on camera that he was a con-artist and revealing the tactics used by himself and other evangelists to swindle money from people.

At the time of the film's release he generated considerable press, but the movie was never shown in theaters in the Southern United States, based on the fears of the distributor over the outrage it would cause in the Bible Belt.

Although released on VHS, the film had long been out of print and had deteriorated. In 2002 the negative and other elements were found in a vault in New York City. Once the rights were secured, the film was restored with funds provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. On November 15, 2005, in New York City, the IFC left showed Marjoe as the closing film in a series of documentaries called "Stranger Than Fiction". In their program they called it "a lost gem." The restored film has since been released on DVD.
& 8221;

& 8220;A reviewer on IMDb.com wrote:

Former child evangelist Marjoe Gortner lays it on the line, presumably, in this riveting true story of his life as a traveling Pentecostal preacher in the early 1970s, long before cable TV and the "electronic church". Gortner, a tall, charming, and charismatic guy talks to a documentary film crew of counterculture hippies about his techniques and tricks of the trade. "If you're going to get into big time religion, this is the game you gotta play ... you work it as a business ... The (preachers) who are successful ... they're just businessmen; they're like Madison Avenue PR men".

The camera follows Marjoe as he preaches in various settings, including an old fashioned big tent revival meeting. He shouts hallelujah a lot, prances back and forth in front of his prey, and spews out general gospel gibberish. And, of course, there's the inevitable request for ... "a love offering". At one meeting, he intones, earnestly: "Would you get out your checkbooks tonight; would some of you get out $5 or $10; bring what you would ... come on". After everyone has left, we see him sitting on his bed counting wads of cash.

The film's technical elements are fine, although there's a tendency to dwell too long in some settings. We get the idea; truly, we do.

To watch these swindlers is infuriating, in that their con is aimed at vulnerable people, those who are in varying conditions of physical and/or mental pain. Most of these victims are low-income, poorly educated folks who cannot afford to throw their money at flimflam artists. Accordingly, viewers must surely appreciate Marjoe's successful effort through this film to expose the motivations and manipulations of these "salesmen".

Of course, a performance is a performance whether it's aimed at true believers in some revival tent, or at an audience watching a film documentary. In "Marjoe", Marjoe puts on a good show. But is his message credible? I think events in the last 35 years have shown that, for the most part, the answer is yes ... it is credible.
& 8221;

& 8220;Another reviewer on IMDb.com wrote:

This is of the finest documentaries I've seen, and I've seen quite a few at festivals in recent years. Not only is Marjoe Gortner as intriguing as any of the great charismatics and eccentrics of documentary cinema, but the documentary technique is top notch. The cinematography in the church scenes is dynamic yet sharp and focused, and the editing keeps the momentum with a steady stream of insights and revelations, culminating in the more honest and confessional final act. It's a relatively long movie, and the goings-on inside the church take up a large proportion of the runtime, but they're shot so expertly, with brave intimacy and varying points of interest, that they never become unbearable. The music, while painfully dated, is totally authentic.

The strange interplay and connectivity between the mainstream youth counter-culture, exemplified by the film crew and Marjoe in his interviews, and the Pentecostal subculture provides most of the thematic interest. There's nothing novel about relating fervent religiosity to the kinds of drug use prevalent in the 70s, but Marjoe's embodiment of this cultural duality, and the ease with which he transitions from ecstatic evangelical to a paragon of counter-cultural values, suggests that these two polar inclinations in American culture are not as disparate as imagined. Marjoe would rather have been a money grabbing rock star like Alice Cooper, and might have been given a different upbringing, but this is as close as he can get. That he's manipulating the spiritual passions of his audience is a fact subordinate to the satisfaction of performing and connecting emotionally. And even as he spouts religious rhetoric that means nothing to him, and takes the money of those expecting miracles and salvation, is he not giving the people exactly what they want, performing the spontaneous and charismatic rites of Pentecostal Christianity in a manner that is skillful and respectful of the traditions and expectations of that faith?

I don't think I can find a single glaring flaw in the film, even as it approaches ethically questionable territory on account of its complicity in Marjoe's act and the necessity to mislead those who are being filmed or interviewed. Certainly, more interactivity with the Pentacostal churchgoers would have been welcome. One questions whether Marjoe is being completely honest in his interviews, but for someone for whom performance and chicanery are inseparable aspects of life, do the filmmakers really need to press the question? Even without a narrating voice, the point comes across with the utmost clarity.
& 8221;

& 8220;Arya Ponto, JustPressPlay.net wrote:

Marjoe is an interesting revelation of a documentary. It was when it came out and won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature; and it is now, this many years later, when Marjoe Gortner is but an obscure factoid. In the film, we follow Marjoe as he preaches in Pentecostal revival tents. He tells of the glory of God, the fire of damnation, and the healing power of the Holy Ghost. People cry, people feel salvation, people feel healed and touched by this agent of Heaven. By all account, Marjoe looks and sounds like the real deal.

Afterwards, he urges people to show their love for God by donating money for his help-the-homeless program, raking in thousands of dollars. Then Marjoe gleefully pockets all the money and picks up cute stewardesses to bang in motel rooms.

His story is an interesting one. At the age of 4, Marjoe became the youngest ordained preacher. By the age of 6, he was already a famous evangelist in the American South. The documentary shows footage of an obviously gifted performer, a 6-year-old Marjoe, preaching about the dangers of sin. Even officiating a wedding, too. At the age of 16, Marjoe’s father absconded with the money he's made, which by Marjoe’s count totals to around three million dollars—all from fooled Christians who would happily throw their money at evangelists to get closer to God.

But Marjoe’s strange childhood isn’t what’s truly interesting about this documentary. It’s the fact that the 27-year-old Marjoe in the film exposes all the dirty tricks and lies that he and other ministers use to swindle fortune out of God-fearing people. As an adult, he admits that he never even believed that God exists, that he was just a talented little performer doing what his mother coached him to do. After his father left them, a further disillusioned Marjoe went to San Francisco and became a freelovin’ hippie. Then, in his early 20s, with no education or job prospect other than his childhood talent, Marjoe went back to the Pentecostal circuit and discovered that he could still preach, this time utilizing the stage showmanship he’s learned from Mick Jagger and other contemporary rockers.

It allowed him the freedom to live a double life. In a year, Marjoe tours the Bible Best for six months collecting money, then spends the rest of the year living off of his earnings in California.

The film often makes its point by cutting back-and-forth between Marjoe preaching to his flock and Marjoe as his real self, the good-humored charmer who loves to count money and make fun of Jesus. It’s like watching a split personality at work; that’s how believable Marjoe is when he’s onstage. Compare him to any televangelists, and Marjoe appears more sincere and compassionate than any of them. Yet he is a deceiver. It is really disorienting how one moment we see Marjoe hug one of his congregation and comfort her as she cries, whispering Jesus’ love in her ears, really saving this young woman from her troubles. Then in the next we see him yukking it up about how gullible people can be.

He describes himself and televangelists and preachers as con-artists. He also reveals how these people stay rich: the business savvy involved, how they self-market and even the different gimmicks one can use to convince Christians of miracles; like a magician opening his box of tricks for the whole world to peek. “I’m not an evil man,” Marjoe says at one point. “I’m bad, but not evil.”

Why the documentary exists is an equally compelling story. Marjoe has a crisis of conscience, and assembled a film crew to expose his deeds so as to prevent himself from conning people again. There’s not likely going to be another film like it, because it requires a subject who is so convincing that he can conjure a fortune out of a lie, and is then willing to give it all up left when he’s hitting his stride.
& 8221;

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