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Audiobooks & Video Training Joe Vitale - Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System For Wealth, Health, Peace, And More

Posted on 2010-03-16

Name:Audiobooks & Video Training Joe Vitale - Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System For Wealth, Health, Peace, And More
File size:312 Mb
ISBN: 1596591668
Publish Date: 5/6/2008
File Size: 312 MB
Other Info: Your Coach in a Box; Audio CD
   Audiobooks & Video Training Joe Vitale - Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System For Wealth, Health, Peace, And More


Joe Vitale - Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System For Wealth, Health, Peace, And More

Zero Limits reveals the breakthrough self-improvement approach that is proven to help people who are overworked, overstressed, and just plain overwhelmed deal effectively with removing self-imposed limitations in their lives that are often manifest as chaos, disease, and poverty

Joe Vitale was once homeless. Now, he's the millionaire author of numerous bestselling books, an Internet celebrity, and an in-demand online marketing guru. What did he do to create all of that success? Was it hard work, divine providence, or both? The answer is surprising. It wasn't until he discovered the ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono system that he finally found truly unlimited success.

Updated for modern times, Ho'oponopono is a self-help methodology that removes the mental obstacles that block a listener's path, freeing his mind to find new and unexpected ways to get what he wants out of life. It works wonders both professionally and personally. It works so well in fact, that Vitale had to share it with the world, so that others could experience the fulfillment and happiness he feels every day.

Teaming up with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, master teacher of modern Ho'oponopono, Vitale tells the listener how to attain wealth, health, peace, and happiness. They walk him through the system, helping him clear his mind of subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take over and help him get what he truly wants from life. It clears out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and memories that he doesn't even know are holding him back.

From the Inside Flap

& 8220;Are you overworked and overstressed? Are you doing your best but finding professional success and personal fulfillment frustratingly difficult to attain?

If it seems like you work hard but never get anywhere, maybe the problem is something within you. Maybe the limitations holding you back come from inside you, not from the outside world. Zero Limits presents a proven way to break through those self-imposed limitations to achieve more in life than you ever dreamed.

Take it from Joe Vitale. He was once homeless. Now, he's the millionaire author of numerous bestselling books, an Internet celebrity, and an in-demand online marketing guru. What happened to create all of that success? How did he make it happen? Was it hard work, divine providence, or both? The answer may surprise you. It wasn't until he discovered the ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono system that he finally found truly unlimited success.

Updated for modern times, Ho'oponopono is a self-help methodology that removes the mental obstacles that block your path, freeing your mind to find new and unexpected ways to get what you want out of life. It not only works, but it works wonders——both professionally and personally. It works so well in fact, that Vitale had to share it with the world, so that others could experience the fulfillment and happiness he feels every day.

Teaming up with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, master teacher of modern Ho'oponopono, Vitale shows you how to attain wealth, health, peace, and happiness. Vitale and Len walk you through the system, helping you clear your mind of subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take over and help you get what you truly want from life. It clears out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and memories that you don't even know are holding you back.

Imagine wiping your mind's slate clean and starting over without preconceived notions, so you can live in a world of daily wonder. Imagine if anything and everything were possible. In fact, everything is possible when you look at the world free of mental constraints. This book is a key that opens your life to a new universe of possibility and accomplishment——a universe with Zero Limits.& 8221;

About the Authors

& 8220;Joe Vitale is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., a marketing consulting firm. He has been called the "The Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Children's MemorialHermannHospital, and many other small and large businesses. His other books include The Attractor Factor, There's a Customer Born Every Minute, and Life's Missing Instruction Manual, all from Wiley. He is also one of the stars of the hit movie The Secret. For more information, visit www.mrfire.com.

Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, teaches workshops on the Hawaiian method for achieving wealth, health, peace, and happiness. He has worked with thousands of people, including groups at the United Nations, UNESCO, the World Peace Conference, Healers for Peace in Europe, and the Hawaii State Teachers Association. & 8221;

Reviews& 8220; As good a book as "Zero Limits" is, this first ever weekend seminar where Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len have teamed together before a live audience, is even better!

Dr. Hew Len's reams of divine wisdom and spiritual insightfulness is the real star of this program. His deep understanding of the ancient Hawaiian healing practice known as, Ho'oponopono, and his ability to dispense profound wisdom to a captive audience is truly inspiring. I found this seminar to be immensely rewarding and I can say that with all honesty and sincerity, because I know how it has made me feel.

Peaceful. Joyful. Relaxed. And best of all, very, very inspired!

This seminar was recorded in early 2007 in Austin, Texas before the book, "Zero Limits," was ever released. Yet it beautifully manages to take the story, the message and the teachings up a notch or two, or ten, from the book itself!

This is primarily due to the fact that Dr. Hew Len does most of the speaking and teaching here. He commands a presence that transcends the limitations of normal seminar and that of an audio recording. He truly has a magical persona that makes you feel that you are receiving messages from a divine master.

Dare I say, Dr. Hew Len may be the "Yoda" of our times. Yes, I am aware that might sound rather corny, but honestly, I don't know a better way to describe his charisma and reverence.

Dr. Hew Len's ability to dispense such profound information that produces a deeper understanding of our lives and of our purpose in the universe, is really quite astounding.

Joe Vitale's contribution to this seminar is to act as a sideman to the amazing Dr. Hew Len show.

Despite the fact that Joe has written numerous books and articles and has led many of his own seminars, he often stands in awe and reverence for the great Hawaiian Ho'oponopono master, much the same as he does in the "Zero Limits" book.

And with good reason. He simply cannot top the kind of wisdom that Dr. Hew Len is able to deliver so easily and effortlessly and that is not meant to be a criticism of Dr. Vitale. It just seems that Dr. Hew Len operates in spiritual space that few others can occupy and you will understand this once you begin listening to him speak in this seminar.

I have listened to this program through many, many times. I found it to be an immensely rewarding adventure. It somehow manages to be both a calming and soothing experience, yet, at the same time a very stimulating one, as well. For the mind, the heart and most especially, the soul.

Upon repeated listening's, this first ever "Zero Limits" seminar weekend manages to unveil continuous treasures of wisdom and mind-expanding awareness.

Now granted, the principals of Ho'opnopono, such as, taking full of complete responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life and continuously repeating the phrases of "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you" to the divine like a mantra, resonated very strongly with me from the beginning. That feeling actually began to occur within me as soon as I had read the book "Zero Limits."

But the treasures that awaited me with this seminar were quite surprising and it broadens the understanding of the book and Ho’oponopono in much deeper fashion.

This seminar comes in the form of up to 26 downloadable .mp3 audio files which combined together form six separate CDs. In addition, there are six .pdf documents which are transcripts of these audio files.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to listen to this program on a regular CD player, but rather you will need to play these audio files either on your computer or on an mp3 audio player such as an Apple iPod.

The "Zero Limits" seminar is available from www.zerolimits.info for $97.

I have personally not attended a Ho'oponopono event with Dr. Hew Len, however, it is something I intend to do in the very near future.*

For those of you searching for a method of inspiration, healing and just plain relaxation, Ho'oponopono may well be a system you will want to seriously consider.

I am most grateful for discovering this wonderful book, seminar and teaching known as Ho'oponopono and you just might as well. It is really quite simple to practice but it takes a dedication in order to see miracles unfold in your life.

And take it from someone who has practiced it. Miracles do unfold.

To Buy Book at Lowest Price on Amazon

download the Zero Limits seminar audio recording click here:& 8221;



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