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Daniel Yergin & Joseph Stanislaw, "The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (revised and updated)"

Posted on 2010-04-14

Name:Daniel Yergin & Joseph Stanislaw, "The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (revised and updated)"
File size:12.6 Mb
Publish Date: 2002
ISBN: 068483569X
Pages: 533 pages
File Type: siPDF
File Size: 12.6 MB
Other Info: Touchstone; Revised and Updated Edition
   Daniel Yergin & Joseph Stanislaw, "The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (revised and updated)"


The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Prize joins a leading expert on the global economy to present an incisive narrative of the risks and opportunities that are emerging as the balance of power shifts around the world between governments and markets—and the battle over globalization comes front and left. The Commanding Heights is essential for understanding the struggle over the "new rules of the game" for the twenty-first century. Also see the PBS Series Buy Book at Lowest Price on Amazon

based on this book.

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The "commanding heights," according to Pulitzer Prize-winner Daniel Yergin and international business advisor Joseph Stanislaw, are those dominant enterprises and industries that form the high economic ground in nations around the globe. In their analysis of the new world economy, The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace That Is Remaking the Modern World, they examine "the individuals, the ideas, the conflicts, and the turning points" that are responsible. And by considering events such as the ongoing Asian monetary crisis, they suggest what the ultimate interconnection of financial markets might mean in the future.

From Booklist

Yergin and Stanislaw's global tour d'horizon doesn't extrapolate from the discrediting of various shades of socialism that free markets are here to stay. The situation varies from country to country. The authors report on the post-World War II performance of significant national economies and, moreover, on the politicians who, starting with Margaret Thatcher, advocated the disengagement of the state from the economy.

This work complements Robert Skidelsky's Road from Serfdom (1996), a readable analysis of how the predictions of free-market economist F. A. Hayek came true. The authors supplement their research with interviews of influential economists and politicians over the past two decades, such as those who implemented "shock therapies" in ex-communist countries. The authors' judgments are reasoned and seasoned, far from podium-pounding homilies on the free market; rather, they explain why the welfare state was so appealing after the war, then how it gradually sputtered into 1970s stagflation. Renders wide-ranging acquaintance with the basic ideas of contemporary economics.


& 8220;Introduction: At the Frontier

 Why the Shift?

 The Power of Ideas

 Relinking Past and Future

 Critical Tests

List of Illustrations

1 Thirty Glorious Years: Europe's Mixed Economy

 Toward the Mixed Economy

 Britain: Making Good on the Promise

 Conquering the Commanding Heights

 "We Work Things Out Practically"

 France: "The Levers of Command"

 The Cognac Salesman

 The Plan: "Modernization or Decadence"?

 Germany: Lucky Strikes and "Chicken Feed"

 The Ordoliberals and the Social Market

 Erhard: "Pay No Attention"

 The Wirtschaftswunder

 Italy: The National Champion

 "The Encroachment" of John Maynard Keynes

 Trade and National Power

 "You Never Had It So Good"

2 The Curse of Bigness: America's Regulatory Capitalism

 The Rise of Regulation

 The People's Lawyer

 Normalcy, "Not Nostrums"

 The New Deal: "I Never Felt Surer of Anything"

 "The Prophet of Regulation"

 Keynes' American Beachhead

 Toward Full Employment

 Regulation and Reform

 The Last Liberal Administration

 Malaise and Inflation

3 Tryst with Destiny: The Rise of the Third World

 Nation Building

 Nehru's Discovery

 "Tractors and Big Machinery"

 "The Idea of Planning"

 The Permit Raj

 "An Agenda for a Better World": The Development Economists

 "The Bank"

 The Rise of the State-owned Company

 "The Wind of Change"

 "First the Political Kingdom"

 Marketing Boards: The Tools of Control

 The Volta Dam: The High Tide of African Socialism

 "Third Worldism"

 Good-bye, Coca-Cola

 The End of an Idea

4 The Mad Monk: Britain's Market Revolution

 "My Closest Political Friend"

 "The Minister of Thought"

 The "U-Turn"

 The "Conversion" of Keith Joseph

 The Leadership Battle

 "No Time to Be Mealy-mouthed"

 "There Are No Trains Today"

 "Now for the Real Battle"

 The "Wets" Versus the "Drys"

 "The Lady's Not for Turning"

 The Falklands War: "The Unexpected Happens"

 The Decisive Battle

 The Birth of Privatization

 But How to Do It?

 A Far Bigger Program

 "A Bit of an Institution"

 "Always with Beliefs"

5 Crisis of Confidence: The Global Critique

 Crisis of Confidence

 The Debt Crisis and the Lost Decade

 The National Champions

 Red Star Sinking

 Asian Star Rising

 New Zealand: "You've Got No Economy"

 Friedrich von Hayek and the "Battle of Ideas"

 The Road to Serfdom

 The Chicago School

 Grudging Respect

 The Emergence of Emerging Markets

 Financial Integration

6 Beyond the Miracle: Asia's Emergence

 Japan: "I'll Go for Income Doubling"

  The Iron Triangle: "The 1955 System"

  A "Suicide Act" for Bureaucrats

  The Lost Decade

 Korea: The Pros and Cons of Picking Winners

 Taiwan: Confucian Capitalism

  The Supertechnocrats

 Singapore: The State as Venture Capitalist

 Malaysia: The Sons of the Soil

 Asia, Inc

 The End of the Miracle?

 Becoming "Relevant to the World"

7 The Color of the Cat: China's Transformation

 Catching Mice

 The Reform Begins

 "Bird in a Cage"

 "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics"

 Reform and Retrenchment

 Tiananmen Square

 The Nanxun: Deng's Last Campaign

 The Two Economies

 "A New Tiger"

 "One Country, Two Systems"

 Breaking with Conventions

 China and the World Economy

 China Adapts

8 After the Permit Raj: India's Awakening

 "Up the Marxist Mountain"

 The Dynasty

 The Crisis

 "No Head for Figures"

 Waking Up

 "A Functionless Capitalism"

 "A Vastly Different Role"

 Sunset of the Permit Raj

 Drawing on Its Best Brains

 The Hindu Rate of Growth

9 Playing by the Rules: The New Game in Latin America

 Shock Therapy: Decree 21060

 Dependencia Rules

 The Lost Decade

 The New Consensus: "We Asked Too Much"

 The Technopols

 Chile: The Ambiguous Role Model

 The Paradox of Argentina

  The Broom Maker's Son


 Peru: The Agronomist and the Book Writer


 Market Economy "with a Human Face"

 Brazil: Dependentista Turned Inflation Slayer

 Mexico: The Diffusion of Power

 "We Must Change Things"

 Rediscovering the State

10 Ticket to the Market: The Journey After Communism

 Poland's Crisis: The Beginning of the End

  The Phone Call

  "My Ludwig Erhard"

  Market Revolution

  "Stop Looking to the Top"

 The Two Václavs

 The Soviet Command Economy

 The Marriage of the Hedgehog and the Snake

 Market Making

 An Orderly Transition?

 Revolution—Or Radical Reform

 Everything—As Rapidly as You Can

 The Essential Element: Creating Private Property

 A Ticket to the Free Economy

 Communists on the Rise

 Privatizing the Commanding Heights

 "I Would Do The Same Tomorrow"

 Russia Defaults

 "Successful Product of Soviet Education"

 No Turning Back

 The End of Isolation

11 The Commitment: Europe's Search for a New Social Contract

 The Double Retreat

 France: "The Break with Capitalism"

 M. Delors and the Second Left

 "Cash-Flow Incinerators"

 The Great U-Turn

 Socialists "Efface the State"

 Stagnation and Euro-pessimism

 The Single Market: Relaunching Europe

 Flying in the Face of History?

 Buba Knows Best?

 "The D-mark Comes"

 The Commitment

 Privatization and Restructuring

 New Leaders for New Europe

 The Costs of the Welfare State

 Europe's New Quest

12 The Delayed Revolution: America's New Balance

 "Big Government Is Over"

 The Outsider

 "Mugged by Reality"

 The Central Banker

 Beyond Tax and Spend

 A Delayed Revolution

 From Capture to Competition

 "Plums "and "Dogs"

 "Marginal Costs with Wings"

 For Whom the Bell Tolls

 Where the Money Is

 Electricity: The Collapse of the "Compact"

 "We're Teachable"

 Social Regulation: Expanding Its Reach

 The "Rights Explosion"

 Going Private, American-Style

 Education and the Welfare Frontier

 "As Old as the Country"

13 The Age of Globalization: The Battle for the World Economy

 The New Line-up

 What, After All, Is Globalization?

 How New? The First Age of Globalization

 Signals of Integration

 Reconnecting: Postwar Foundations of Globalization

 After the Seventies: From Trade to Capital Markets

 The Closed-Economies Relink

 The Second Age of Globalization

 New Concerns

 Not the End of Government

14 The Balance of Confidence: The New Rules of the Game

 A New Consensus?

 The Woven World

 The Company in the Mobile Economy

 Judging on Results: Critical Tests

  1. Delivering the Goods?

  2. Ensuring Fairness?

  3. Securing the Environment?

  4. Coping with Demographics?

  5. Upholding Identity?

 The Balance of Confidence




Selected Bibliography



About the Authors& 8221;

Tags: qGlobalization, qHistory, qEconomics, qFinance, qWorldPolitics, qChina, qIndia

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See Also:

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable"

Niall Ferguson, "The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000"

Muhammad Yunus, "Creating A World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism"

Thomas Sowell, "Economic Facts and Fallacies"

Arthur B. Laffer, et al., "The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy--If We Let It Happen"

Alan Beattie, "False Economy: A Surprising Economic History of the World"

Robert J. Samuelson, "The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath: The Past and Future of American Affluence"

Thomas L. Friedman, "Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution—and How It Can Renew America"

Ian Bremmer, "The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall"

Eric D. Beinhocker, "The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, and the Radical Remaking of Economics"

Robert Sobel, "The Pursuit of Wealth: The Incredible Story of Money Thoughout the Ages"

Paul Krugman, "The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (2nd Edition)"

William J. Bernstein, "A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World"

David S. Landes, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor"

Thomas L. Friedman, "The World is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century"

Jim Powell, "FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression"

John T. Flynn, "The Roosevelt Myth"

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, "Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years"

Paul Johnson, "Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties (Revised Edition)"

J. M. Roberts, "The New History of the World, 4e"

Tony Judt, "Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945"

Jonathan D. Spence, "The Search for Modern China"

J. M. Roberts, "Twentieth Century: The History of the World, 1901 to 2000"


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