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History/Military Arthur Goldschmidt & Lawrence Davidson, "A Concise History of the Middle East (8th Edition)"

Posted on 2010-03-16

Name:History/Military Arthur Goldschmidt & Lawrence Davidson, "A Concise History of the Middle East (8th Edition)"
File size:10.1 Mb
Publish Date: 2006
ISBN: 0813342759
Pages: 576 pages
File Type: siPDF
File Size: 10.1 MB
Other Info: Westview Press; 8th Edition
   History/Military Arthur Goldschmidt & Lawrence Davidson, "A Concise History of the Middle East (8th Edition)"


Arthur Goldschmidt & Lawrence Davidson, "A Concise History of the Middle East (8th Edition)"

The eighth edition of Arthur Goldschmidt’s widely acclaimed text has been extensively revised to reflect the latest scholarship and the most recent events in the Middle East. As an introduction to the history of this turbulent region from the beginnings of Islam to the present day, the book is distinguished by its clear style, broad scope, and balanced treatment. Written for undergraduate college students, the text assumes no prior knowledge of Middle Eastern history. It focuses on the evolution of Islamic institutions and culture, the influence of the West, the modernization efforts of Middle Eastern governments, the struggle of various peoples for political independence, the course of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the reassertion of Islamic values and power, the aftermath of the Gulf War, and issues surrounding the Palestinian Question. The eighth edition brings new discussion to the post-9/11 political developments and surveys terrorism in the Middle East, the Iraq War, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


& 8220;List of Illustrations




Preface to the Eighth Edition

1 Introduction

 What Is History?

 Then and Now, There and Here

 The Physical Setting

 Some Descriptive Geography



  Natural Resources

  Human Diversity


2 The Middle East Before Muhammad

 A Minimum of Antiquity

 Persia and Rome

  Dissident Christian Sects

  Rome's Persian Rival

 The Arabs

  Conditions in Arabia

  Arabian Culture

  Southern Arabia

  Sixth-Century Conditions



3 The Prophet of Mecca

 Muhammad's Early Life

  Confrontation with Pagan Arab Values

  First Revelation

  The Early Muslims

  Meccan Opposition

 The Emigration (Hijra)

  The Struggle for Survival

  Muslim Life in Medina

  Muhammad's Marriages

  Muhammad and the Jews

  Aisha bint Abi-Bakr

  The Winning of Mecca

  Muhammad's Death


4 What Is Islam?

 Basic Beliefs





  Judgment Day

 The Five Pillars of Islam

  Witness (Shahadah)

  Worship (Salat)

  Fasting (Sawm)

  Tithing (Zakat)

  Pilgrimage (Hajj)

 Other Duties and Prohibitions


5 The Early Arab Conquests

 The Succession Issue

 The Initial Conquests

 The Beginnings of Islamic Government

  Military Discipline

  Civil Government

 Dissension in the Umma

  Uthman's Troubled Caliphate

  Ali's Caliphate

  Challenges to Ali

 Changes in the Government of Islam


  Mu'awiya ibn-abi-Sufyan

  Administrative Changes

  Mu'awiya's Successors

  Husayn's Rebellion: The Beginning of Shi'ism

  Other Challengers


6 The High Caliphate

 Restoration of the Umayyad Order

  Abd al-Malik's Triumph

  Resumption of the Conquests

  Fiscal Reforms

 The Downfall of the Umayyads

 The Abbasid Caliphate

  The Building of Baghdad

  Public Piety

  Anti-Abbasid Revolts

  Persians in Power

  Mamun's Caliphate


 The Decline of the Abbasids


7 Shi'is and Turks, Crusaders and Mongols

 Shi'i Islam in Power

  The Major Sects of Islam

  The Fatimid Caliphate

  The Buyid Dynasty

 The Turks

  Early Turkic Civilization

  The Islamization of the Turks

  The Ghaznavids

  The Seljuk Empire

 The Crusades

  Their Beginning

  Muslim Reactions

  The Rise of Salah al-Din

 The Mongol Invasion

  Destruction of the Caliphate

  Hulegu Khan

  Mamluk Resistance


8 Islamic Civilization

 The Rules and Laws of Islam

 Development of Jurisprudence

  Sources of the Law

  Sunni Legal Systems

  Shi'i Legal Systems

  Administration of the Law

  Applicability of the Law

 Islamic Society

  Social Groupings

 Importance of Family Life

  Personal Relationships

  Food, Clothing, and Shelter

 Intellectual Life

  Mathematics and Science





  Ahmad ibn Hanbal

  Review of Muslim Divisions


9 Firearms, Slaves, and Empires

 The Mamluks

  The Mamluk Ruling System

  The Decline of the Mamluks

 The Mongol Il-Khanids

  The Religious Issue

  Effects of Il-Khanid Rule on Persia

  Tamerlane and the Timurids

 Gunpowder Technology

 The Ottoman Empire




  The Ottoman Zenith

  Causes of Ottoman Success

  Political Institutions

  Ottoman Decline: Signs and Causes

 Persia Under the Safavids

  Rise of Safavid Power

  The Safavid Zenith

  The Aftermath of the Safavids


10 European Interests and Imperialism

 Ottoman Weakness

  Some Symptoms and Causes

  The Reforming Sultans and Viziers

 The European Powers and the Eastern Question

  The Koprulu Family of Viziers

  Czarist Russia

  Habsburg Austria

  Britain and the Middle East

  France: Protector and Civilizer


11 Westernizing Reform in the Nineteenth Century


  Napoleon's Occupation

  Mehmet Ali and His Reforms

  Mehmet Ali's Military Empire

 Westernization of the Ottoman Empire

  The Nizam-i-Jedid

  Mahmud II

  Military Defeat and European Protection

  The Tanzimat Era

  Mustafa Reshid Pasha

 Persia Under the Qajars

 Some Afterthoughts

12 The Rise of Nationalism

 Egyptian Nationalism

  Khedive Isma'il

  Financial Problems

  The Beginnings of Nationalism

  Ahmad Urabi

  Ahmad Urabi

  Lord Cromer and the British Occupation

  The Revival of Egyptian Nationalism

 Ottomanism, Pan-Islam, and Turkism

  Early Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire

  The Young Turks in Power

  Turkish Nationalism

 Nationalism in Persia

  Early Resistance to Foreign Power

  The Constitutionalist Movement

  Oil Discoveries


13 The Roots of Arab Bitterness

 Arab Nationalism

  Historical Background

  The Arabs Under Ottoman Rule

  Christian Arab Nationalists

  Muslim Arab Nationalists

  The Arabs and the Young Turks

 World War I

  Britain and the Arabs

  The Husayn-McMahon Correspondence

  The Arab Revolt

  The Sykes-Picot Agreement

  Faysal ibn al Husayn

  The Balfour Declaration

 The Postwar Peace Settlement

  The King-Crane Commission

  Allied Arrangements: San Remo and Sèvres

  The Result: Four Mandates and an Emirate

 Conclusion and Summary

14 Modernizing Rulers in the Independent States

 Turkey: Phoenix from the Ashes

  Challenges to the Nationalists

  Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

  Kemal's Domestic Reforms

  Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

  The Legacy of Kemalism

 From Persia to Iran

  Historical Recapitulation

  The Apogee of British Power

  The Rise of Reza Shah

  Reza's Reforms

  Reza's Downfall


 The Rise of Saudi Arabia

  Historical Background

  The Emergence of the Saudi Kingdom

  Oil Discoveries and Their Effects on the Saudi Kingdom

  Ibn Sa'ud's Successors


15 Egypt's Struggle for Independence

 Britain's Role in Egypt

  Anglo-Egyptian Relations: An Overview

  World War I

  The 1919 Revolution

  British Efforts at a Solution

  Egypt's Democratic Experiment

  The Short Reign of the Wafd

  The Power Triangle

  The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty


  King Faruq

  World War II

 The Egyptian Revolution

  Frustration and Failure

  The Fall of the Old Regime

  The 1952 Military Coup

  Settlement of the Suez Canal Issue

 A Strange Ending

16 The Contest for Palestine


 Prefatory Remarks

  Jewish Nationalism

  The Jews in Dispersion

 The Beginnings of Political Zionism

  Early Jewish Settlers

  Theodor Herzl

  The Second Aliya

 Britain and the Palestine Problem

  The Balfour Declaration

  The British Occupation

  The Palestine Mandate

  Beginnings of the Anglo-Zionist Rift

  The Jewish Governor and the Nationalist Mufti

  Amin al-Husayni

  A New Arab-Jewish Clash

  Jewish Immigration and Arab Resistance

  The Peel Commission and the White Paper

  The Growing US Role

  Civil War in Palestine

  The United Nations Partition Plan

  The Creation of Israel


17 Israel's Rebirth and the Rise of Arab Nationalism

 Israel's War for Independence

  The Contending Forces

  The Outside Powers

  UN Mediation Attempts

 The War's Aftermath

  Arab Divisions

  The Palestinian Arabs

 The Arab Countries


  Syria and Lebanon


  Egypt's Nasir and His Policies

 Israel's Early Years

  Problems of the Jewish State

  Politics in Israel

  David Ben-Gurion

  Israel's Foreign Relations

 Middle Eastern Oil

 The Great Powers and the Arab World

  The Suez Affair

  The Eisenhower Doctrine

  The Contest for Control of Syria

  The United Arab Republic

  Lebanon's First Civil War and US Intervention

  The Ideas of Nasirism

  The Ebb of the Pan-Arab Tide

  Arab Socialism and Nasir's Comeback

  The Jordan Waters Dispute

  The Palestine Liberation Organization

  Background to War


18 War and the Quest for Peace

 The June 1967 War

  Reasons for the Outcome

  The War's Aftermath

  UN Peace Efforts

 The Palestinians as a Political Force

 Abortive Peace Efforts

  The War of Attrition

 Political Changes: 1967–1970

  The Two Yemens




  The Rogers Peace Plan

  Clashes in Lebanon and Jordan

  Egypt After Nasir

  The End of the Rogers Peace Plan

 Danger Signs in the Middle East

  Prelude to War

  US Concerns

  Arab Frustrations

  War Preparations

 The October (Yom Kippur) War

  Israel's Unpreparedness

  The Course of the Fighting

  Arms Supplies and the Oil Embargo

  The Superpowers and the Cease-fire

 The War's Aftermath

  Shuttle Diplomacy

  Israel's Domestic Crisis

  Effects of the Oil Embargo

  PLO Power at Its Zenith

  Return to Shuttle Diplomacy

 Lebanon: The Arena for a New Arab Struggle

  The Religious Angle

  The Nationalist Angle

  Anwar al-Sadat

  The Economic Angle

  The Ideological Angle

  An Attempted Synthesis

  Syria's Role

 The Road to Camp David

  Carter's Plans

  Policy Problems

  Sadat Leads the Quest for Peace

  The Egyptian-Israeli Treaty


19 The Reassertion of Islamic Power

 Prefatory Remarks on Islam and Politics

 The Iranian Revolution

  The Monarchy

  The Fall of the Monarchy

  Sayyid Ruhollah Musaui Khomeini

  The Establishment of the Republic

  The Hostage Crisis

 The Struggle for Persian Gulf Supremacy

 The Retreat from Camp David

  The Assassination of Sadat

  Israel's Rising Militancy

  Israel's Invasion of Lebanon

  The Terrorist Triumph

 Western Policy Formation and Islamic Polity

20 The Gulf War and the Peace Process

 The Gulf Crisis

  Iraq's Complaints and Claims

  Iraq's Annexation of Kuwait

  The Crisis of Arab Legitimacy

 Operation Desert Storm

 Palestinians and the Peace Process

  The First Intifada

  The End of Lebanon's Civil War

  The Peace Process in Arab-Israeli Relations

  The Oslo I Accord

  Gains and Losses in the Peace Process

  Yasir Arafat

  The Second Intifada

 Whither Islam?

21 The War on Terrorism

 The Present in Historical Perspective

 Survey of Terrorism



  Arab States of the Fertile Crescent

  Saudi Arabia and the Other Gulf States


  Summation on Terrorism

  Osama bin Laden

 The Iraq War

  Bush and the Neoconservatives

  The Invasion of Iraq

 The Contest for Palestine (Redux)

  Breakdown of the "Peace Process"

  Intensification of the Conflict

  Outsiders' Involvement

 A Parting Message



Bibliographic Essay


 Table A.1 Basic Statistics for Middle Eastern Countries

 Table A.2 How Many Palestinians?

Index& 8221;

Tags: WorldPolitics, MiddleEast

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See Also:

Thomas L. Friedman, "From Beirut to Jerusalem"

David E. Sanger, "The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power"

John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, "Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years"

Paul Johnson, "Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties (Revised Edition)"

J. M. Roberts, "The New History of the World, 4e"

Tony Judt, "Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945"

Daniel Yergin, "The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, & Power"

Susan Faludi, "The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post 9/11 America"

J. M. Roberts, "Twentieth Century: The History of the World, 1901 to 2000"

Eric Shawn, "The U.N. Exposed: How the United Nations Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World"

Patrick Tyler, "A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East--from the Cold War to the War on Terror"


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